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Phase 2 and onwards

When the Scottish government deem it to be safe to do so Play Therapy & Family Consultancy Glasgow will resume direct therapy with a number of additional health and safety measures:


  • The playroom will be cleaned before and after each child enters. The numbers of toys and other resources will be reduced to ensure this is manageable.

  • Each child will have their own box with play resources specific to them.

  • The room is big enough to adhere to the 2 meter social distancing rule.

  • The child will be asked to use hand sanitiser before they enter the playroom and when they leave and they are welcome to wear a mask.

  • Best care will be taken to ventilate the room during and before/after sessions.

  • We kindly ask any children with any symptoms or living within a household where another person is displaying symptoms to stay away as per government guidelines.

  • The playroom is a garden office space and can be accessed via the back alleyway which means families do not have to enter the main building.


A full risk assessment has been undertaken.

Children and their family members are of the greatest importance to me.

For further information regarding the phases please refer to the government guidelines here

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